Exhibitor Products

Proform Range of Extruders

PROFORM Hall: Shk Saeed Hall 1 Stand: S1-H3
Proform Range of Extruders
Proform Range of Extruders
Proform Range of Extruders
From Pre-Extruders to well homogenize your product for optimal feeding of the down-stream extruder, to final shaping Extruders, or Co-Extruders—with or without fillings. Extruders HE: for hard candy extrusion, co-extrusion / single-color or multiple-color stripes, with or without filling. The Proform HE series Extruder ensures the controlled production of hard candy. It is built in a stainless-steel execution that takes in hard boiled candy made in an upstream continuous cooker, extrudes it into a rope, adds deep stripes or decoration stripes.   Centre filling can be added in flexible quantities, to create little to highly filled candies. These fillings can be semi-liquid, powders, or toffee, chocolate, etc. to create a variety of finished products.   Extruders HY:  High hygiene High level of safety Stay clean design Extruders BR: extruding filling of bubble gum or chewy candy into hard candy.An Extruder BR coupled to a batch roller can make a double filling: 1st filling: chewy candy or chewing gum 2nd filling: semi-liquid (inside the 1st filling) to make lollipops for example…


  • Processing
  • General Processing Technology
Saudi Food